This course is self enrolled by employee's only. An instruction PDF will be provided to you by your company representative. Enrolled duration is 1 year or until December 31st. If you are unable to access this course after following the instructions, please contact HSC-NEOSupport@salud.unm.edu
General Radiation Safety training is required of all employees who receive, or might receive, an occupational exposure while working in or near a controlled area. These individuals may routinely enter the controlled area and encounter postings, radiation producing devices or radioactive materials. Employee responsibilities for observing and obeying radiation safety postings and procedures are emphasized throughout this training.
The participant will be able to IDENTIFY:
- Basic radiological fundamentals and radiation protection concepts.
- The relative risks of exposure to radiation and radioactive materials, including prenatal radiation exposure.
- Individual rights and responsibilities as related to implementation of the radiation protection program (including the ALARA Program).
- Actions implemented to control doses under emergency conditions.
- Exposure reports or other exposure data which may be provided and how to request these reports.
- Fundamentals of Radiation and Radioactivity
- Radiation Biology
- Radiation Dose Limits and ALARA
- Personnel Monitoring
- Access Control and Postings
- Emergency and Spill Procedures
- Radiation Dose Limits Contamination Control
- Employee Responsibilities
Please note that this course does not offer continuing education credit.
- Instructor of Record: Virginia Morgan