- Instructor of Record: Nicholas Andrews
- Instructor of Record: Danielle Esters
- Instructor of Record: Jacquelyn Blackstone
- Instructor of Record: Conrad Chao
- Instructor of Record: Luis Izquierdo
- Instructor of Record: Jose Perez Yordan
- Instructor of Record: Trevor Quiner
- Instructor of Record: Sarah Smiley
- Instructor of Record: Evan Beth Taber M.D.
- Instructor of Record: Ivana Barouhas
- Instructor of Record: Ashlee Candelaria
- Instructor of Record: Rica Gomez
- Instructor of Record: Devin Jones
- Instructor of Record: Marina Miller
- Instructor of Record: Stephanie Rieder
To facilitate standardized resident and medical student learning on L&D based on evidence based practice guidelines in line with established UNM OB/GYN departmental and CREOG learning objectives.
The curriculum is divided into a fall and spring cycle with a total of 16 topics per academic year. Both the night/day teams will be assigned a topic on Monday. The following Monday, the L&D day team will discuss the articles assigned at noon. The L&D float team will be expected to follow the same reading assignments as the day team. The teams are expected to take the online quiz by the Monday that the articles are discussed.
All residents on L&D have required reading. Participation both in the noon discussion (L&D day team) and in the weekly quiz (L&D day and Float teams) are required.
Faculty will proctor Monday noon conference and facilitate weekly quizzes.
Quizzes will be available weekly via Moodle and expected to be completed by the following Monday.
- Instructor of Record: Katie Lyons
- Instructor of Record: Maria Montoya
This curriculum is an advanced ultrasound teaching curriculum designed for the UNM MFM Fellows to complete over the course of their 3 year fellowship.
The curriculum designs contains multiple obstetrical ultrasound resources on one site . It contains major guidelines and educational materials from the medical societies pertinent to Maternal Fetal Medicine, such as SMFM/ACOG, and AIUM. It also contains e books,ultrasound teaching tools, landmark Ob ultrasound articles, and other resources.
The curriculum is set up as an online curriculum that can be accessed through the UNM Moodle via any computer.
This curriculum is designed to complement the fellow in-person didactic sessions as well as their hands-on scanning sessions .
- Instructor of Record: Conrad Chao
- Instructor of Record: Delisa Garcia
- Instructor of Record: Luis Izquierdo
- Instructor of Record: Jose Perez Yordan
- Instructor of Record: Evan Beth Taber M.D.
This curriculum is designed for first year Ob Gyn residents. It is incorporated into the MFM rotation , divided into two halves. The ob ultrasound objectives will be progressive over the course of the curriculum.
You will rotate with Dr. Chong for Gynecologic ultrasound for the PGY1. You will rotate with Dr. Kennedy for benign breast diseases and Dr. Fine for Breast Cancer. Your readings for ultrasound, both Ob and Gyn, as well as readings for benign breast disease are in this Moodle. Dr. Fine will provider her own references
The goal is to provide the foundations of ob gyn ultrasound , and allow to you function in Ob Triage, the OB wards and clinic. You will build on this foundation during your second and third year.
This curriculum is adapted from the publication by the American Institute of Ultrasound of Medicine ( AIUM) called “ Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology , Report of a Multi-specialty Task Force on Ultrasound Training Curriculum and Competency Assessment in Residency Programs “
The rotations consists of five components :
1. Objectives
2. Reading materials.
All will be available on the Moodle site, or via e book, link to the UNM Library
Some of these resources will also be available to read in the MFM reading rooms at both UMN Women’s Imaging and the Eubank office
3. Hands on scanning sessions
4. MFM Didactics on Thursday afternoon
5. Teaching Gynecologic and early OB ultrasound with Dr. Chong
6. Objectives and readings as per Dr. Fine
- Instructor of Record: Jacquelyn Blackstone
- Instructor of Record: Conrad Chao
- Instructor of Record: Evan Beth Taber M.D.
This curriculum is intermediate, designed for second year Ob Gyn residents. It is a natural extension of the curriculum performed in the first year. It will be incorporated into the MFM rotation. The objectives will be progressive over the weeks of the curriculum, as well as the next curriculum in the third year.
This curriculum is adapted from the publication by the American Institute of Ultrasound of Medicine ( AIUM) called “ Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology , Report of a Multi-specialty Task Force on Ultrasound Training Curriculum and Competency Assessment in Residency Programs “
The rotations consists of 4 components :
1. Objectives
2. Reading materials.
All will be available on the site, or via e book, link to the UNM Library
3. Hands on scanning sessions
4. MFM Didactics Thursday afternoon
- Instructor of Record: Jacquelyn Blackstone
- Instructor of Record: Conrad Chao
- Instructor of Record: Luis Izquierdo
- Instructor of Record: Evan Beth Taber M.D.
This is an advanced curriculum for Obstetric and Gynecologic ultrasound for the third year Ob Gyn residents. It is incorporated into the MFM rotation . The objectives are progressive over the weeks of the curriculum .
This curriculum is adapted from the publication by the American Institute of Ultrasound of Medicine ( AIUM) called “ Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology , Report of a Multi-specialty Task Force on Ultrasound Training Curriculum and Competency Assessment in Residency Programs “
At the conclusion of the curriculum , it is expected that the resident can perform a basic “standard “ ob ultrasound and gynecologic ultrasound study. It is also expected that the resident will be familiar with common variants and abnormalities of the pregnant and non-pregnant pelvis.
These skills can then be incorporated into the final scope of one’s career choice, whether it is performance and interpretation of one’s own studies, reviewing images and reports performed by others, or both.
The rotations consists of four basic components over 8 weeks :
1. Objectives
2. Reading materials.
All will be available on the curriculum, via on line links to the UNM Library, or via e book.
Some of these resources will also be available to read in the MFM reading rooms at both UMN Women’s Imaging and the Eubank office
3. Hands on scanning sessions
4. Thursday afternoon didactics
- Instructor of Record: Jacquelyn Blackstone
- Instructor of Record: Conrad Chao
- Instructor of Record: Luis Izquierdo
- Instructor of Record: Evan Beth Taber M.D.